“In a manual of marriage, I read how to, when and why.
Then I met you, and I threw away the book”.
Thus summarizes my love affair with Ding, my husband. I got that quotation from the Expressweek magazine sometime in the first half of 1976. By June 20, 1976, I became Mrs. Rosalina Ferrer Inocencio.
This year we’re 33. And I am rejoicing. I hope my Ding does too.
Among the many celebrations within a year, our wedding anniversary is big deal for me. Trite as it may sound, but Ding completes me. Back when all I felt was emptiness in my life, God gave me the answer to my prayers-Ding.
What makes celebrating our wedding anniversary a thrilling experience is the fact that our life together is a miracle in progress. How we lasted this long and this strong can only be because of God’s overflowing love. Two very different people from two very different backgrounds spell disaster. We are as different as night and day, hot and cold, north and south, black and white.
I have always described the two of us this way- I am a woman of letters, Ding is a man of numbers.
Still, we reached this far and we’re still moving. That calls for a celebration!
And we do. We celebrate no matter what. We may have different ideas (Ding loathes hosting parties, I am a natural at entertaining guests), but somehow we reach a decision without declaring a war.
In the early years when our resources were allotted mainly for the kids' education and our household needs, our anniversary celebrations were confined mainly to a movie date and then a bowl of Ma Mon Luk mami with special siopao later.
It actually depends on both our moods, though. When we feel like just staying home, I just do some home cooking. I am a kitchen lady, so it’s not a problem.
Perhaps the most memorable celebration we ever had was during our 30th year in 2006. Our kids booked us on an overnight stay at the Manila Diamond Hotel on the exact day of our anniversary. It was only near perfect cause there were a couple of distractions. First, it was the NBA finals that day (Ding is an NBA fanatic so he was glued to the TV set). Second, a client has been pestering Ding with calls. One thing we have in common is that we enjoy the same kind of music, so on the night of 06/20/06, we left our hotel room and headed to the Baywalk area where bands are playing and promenaders can watch for free. Isn’t God really good?
On July 1, 2006, as an extension of our celebration, we flew to Hongkong for a four-day visit. I failed to do some research before booking our flight. I didn’t realize it was summer in HK that time. It was scorching hot but what right do I have to complain? I may not have done what most women do in HK (like shopping to the max), but it was one episode in my life that I will forever cherish. Someday, I’d like to go back there, but this time with my daughter who is an excellent shopper.
The year 2008 was what Queen Elizabeth calls “annus horribilis” or horrible year for my family. We were eyeing Macau last year but God had other plans for us. With His guidance and infinite goodness, we managed to rise up from a crippling fall. We were in the midst of that tragedy so we were adamant to celebrate our anniversary. Nevertheless, we prepared a simple dinner for our very good friends who have not forsaken us during those dark days.
Five days from now, we will be celebrating our 33rd. My son Popoy sent word that he is sending a very special gift for us and for his Tay ( it’s Father’s Day on Sunday). I’m sure I will get my customary bouquet from Timmy. We have not made plans, actually. So, I, particularly, am playing it by ear.
We can perhaps hear mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Makati, then proceed to Greenbelt or at the Quiapo Church and proceed to one of the two existing Ma Mon Luk outlets in Quezon Ave. Wherever. Doesn’t matter now. We’re ecstatic and exultant, after all, we’re 33 and still counting.
Photos 1 & 2 are taken at HK Intl Airport; 3 & 5 at the Avenue of the Stars, Kowloon, 4 & 6 at the gates of HK Disneyland and 7 & 8 at the Manila Diamond Hotel.
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